Thursday, March 20, 2008
NOAA/NASA/NSIDC: Arctic ice is alarmingly scarce and thin
On March 18 the scientists said they believe that the increased area of sea ice this winter is due to recent weather conditions, while the decline in perennial ice reflects the longer-term warming climate trend and is a result of increased melting during summer and greater movement of the older ice out of the Arctic.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Natural disasters have quadrupled in two decades
More than four times the number of natural disasters are occurring now than did two decades ago, British charity Oxfam said in a study Sunday that largely blamed global warming.
"Oxfam... says that rising green house gas emissions are the major cause of weather-related disasters and must be tackled," the organisation said, adding that the world's poorest people were being hit the hardest.
The world suffered about 120 natural disasters per year in the early 1980s, which compared with the current figure of about 500 per year, according to the report.
Who’s Behind the Global Warming Deniers?
It’s well documented that many global warming deniers have ties to, or are funded by, members of coal and oil-related industries. These industry members will do whatever it takes to continue our dependence on fossil fuels and to delay the establishment of any alternatives. They have a vested interest in "business as usual."
As Newsweek recently reported, certain fossil fuel industry members and groups have spent a great deal of money to keep the true facts about global warming from the public.