Why did the National Science Teachers' Association refuse a gift of 50,000 DVDs of "An Inconvenient Truth," the award-winning film about Global Warming, while they distribute a film produced by the oil industry?
Hopefully by now you've seen "An Inconvenient Truth," the scary but true film on global warming. If not, as they say..., JUST DO IT.
The film is already required reading for ALL students in Norway and Sweden. So you'd think that if a gift was made to the National Science Teachers' Association of 50,000 copies of the film, they would at least make it available to teachers if they choose to show it. Well think again.
Turns out, NSTA refused the gift. Some people wondered why, and with a little investigation work found that an Exxon Mobile executive sits on their Board of Advisers, and they have received over $6 million from the oil industry. In their letter refusing the gift, they blatantly said they didn't want to jeopardize their funding.
Is this anything but pure censorship -- with corporations filtering the truth from your children?
In this radio interview, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. interviews the producer of the film, as they tell the strange tale of how the gift was refused and what they found about oil companies funding the NSTA.
This is very disturbing! Have your kid's teachers listen to this interview and complain to the Association!
Click for 9-minute audio here.
For more great RFK Jr. Radio, go to Ring of Fire Radio.